It's true. Hope does eternally spring up and it can take many forms.
Like my dog who wants nothing more than to just lie out in the sun. He's been dancing at the door all day asking to go out. But it's -12C with a fierce windchill and he's a skinny hound with a very thin coat so he'll stick with a sunny spot on the carpet.
I've started work on the Autumn Arbor Stole again. This has been hibernating for a few months now since the dog pictured above gave the yarn cake a shake. It is now about 3/4 finished and sadly, I'm getting a little bored with it. I have about 140 rows to go and then have to graft the two pieces together. The good news is the first half is done.
I got this in the mail the other day. The colours are really "in your face" bright and there is some silver thread woven through it so it sparkles. Kinda like Unicorn puke. Totally not my thing but I keep picking it up and looking at it and wondering what I could do with it. Socks is definitely a possibility but I'm going to keep looking. Then again, I have a niece who might just adore a cowl made from it.
Now this Fleece Artist BFL sock yarn is more my style. I cast on for socks last week at Mount Pakenham and didn't touch this all week. I did this yesterday and am totally enthralled by this. My husband keeps eyeing it as well so I may lose it.
And to prove that hope really does spring eternal, I got out my book on companion planting, re-did the garden plan (you can see the new one here) and ordered my seeds today. This is my garden as of right now. You can sort of see the rectangular area that is a little rougher than what is around it.
Yeah, it's pretty cold today but the sun is shining, the birds are mobbing the feeders we have out and the sun is in the sky longer and longer everyday. Hope springs eternal.
I think some quality time with catalogs is due around here tomorrow!